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tv   Headline News  RT  April 30, 2013 1:00pm-1:29pm EDT

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video for your media project free media r t v dot com. tonight president obama says there's evidence chemical weapons have been used in syria but pledges action only if it's proved that they were used by president assad . will targeted terror in damascus or bomb explodes in a busy square taking thirteen lives and wounding dozens in the second such attack in as many days. and america's war on corruption in afghanistan ends up feeding the warlords and drug cartels as revelations of merge that washington's been showering kabul with millions of dollars. for moscow at nine pm it's kevin zero in it r t h q tonight very good to have your company our top story the news just heard president obama says the u.s.
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has evidence that chemical weapons have been used in syria he also said it would be a game changer as he put it for the u.s. although only if it is proved the end of the day the arms are being used by the government and you of course what i'm reporting is across this forest marina hi there ok so that would be a game changer he says if assad that used it what happens if the rebels may be used to go into their hands and they use these at weapons what then. well i think that is what u.s. intelligence officials are trying to figure out now u.s. president barack obama said that his team doesn't know how the chemical weapons were used in syria when they were used who used that meaning was it the syrian government or was it members of the opposition group obama says his administration doesn't have a chain of custody that establishes exactly what happened in syria when chemical
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weapons were allegedly used he says that of washington does confirm that the syrian government used chemical weapons against rebels. the u.s. whole have to rethink the range of options that are available now the u.s. president has previously stated that the use of chemical weapons by damascus would be a game changer in the u.s. position on military intervention into syria is two year civil war at this point the u.s. president clearly has indicated that his administration is treading carefully because there are not enough you know our eyes that have been dotted and t's crossed that stablish it is that it was unequivocally the syrian government that has used chemical weapons against members of the opposition and this is the same question that our team was freezing just last week when u.s. defense secretary chuck hagel came out saying that there was a variable degree of confidence that the syrian government has used chemical weapons because there were not enough facts in place indicating what led the u.s.
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to believe this and now the u.s. president is saying there needs to be a much clearer investigation because he doesn't know if it was either if it was the syrian government or if it was members of the opposition who used chemical weapons not me to speak. to us a little bit about. well one of the many sensitive issues obama stressed was the issue of the guantanamo bay detention center he once again call for closing that prison the us president said that the idea that the u.s. would still detain a group of individuals indefinitely without trial is contrary to the interests and reputation or morals of america while obama has shown his strong will to close the prison he does lack the necessary support from congress and that support is what ultimately gives him the authority to close the prison obama said lawmakers will not back or find his goal of closing the guantanamo bay detention center now his comments come as the hunger strike. enters its eighty fourth day as of monday at
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least one hundred detainees are believed to be starving themselves or reported twenty one are being force fed five of whom are being hospitalized now of the one hundred sixty six detainees still languishing on a more than half have been cleared for release now another important issue obama addressed was the boston bombings and what russia's cooperation in the ongoing investigation of course as we've been reporting and other allies have reported in two thousand and eleven moscow had warned washington about time alliance or knives possible link to extremist groups whatever happened with the f.b.i. there was a laugh a serious investigation from what has been reported now obama also said that the boston bombings illustrate the danger of self radicalization of possible terrorists inside the united states he said he's instructed his top counterterrorism team to figure out what can be done to prevent more identify itself radicalization or i'm
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going to. bring you some speed that we're about to see the. heart of the syrian capital again today it's killed at least thirteen people wounded dozens the explosion comes of course twenty four hours of the reporting on u.s. central damascus that targeted the prime minister you survived. and told us what he saw. it was only something like one minute or two minutes away three met when i passed through the this is the big explosion destroyed most of the historic square which is called maggi in the middle of the last kiss it's critical to the. building of the mystery of the interior i have seen that the did by these pretty wall around i have seen three with no heads and they have seen how the ambulance guys rushed inside inside the square from everywhere how the clause to distribute clothes and
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how the security came in to check here and how people were crying and where they're . going and weeping over their destroyed their properties all around the area if you compare it with the attack on a minister's convoy yesterday we can see many similarities grooviest. or that it was targeting the prime minister but it attacked an area close to a kindergarten and a school and today in this area is completely it's a very crowded square it's full of people every time the one who did move was doing the same the two the two placing know exactly that this is a would have on the c.b. and this has only civilians and this is the same way that happened with all or. to just a nicer way of doing good business and doing good things. well neil clark who writes for britain's guardian newspaper believes the rebels' apparent terror tactic
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should send alarm signals to western nations quite clearly there are experts here among the population in damascus to terrorize civilians and it's actually the shiny war that these people are being backed by my country the u.k. by the west terrorists let's call them what they are they haven't you can get by william hague across what holland or john kerry are we going to think that's actually a call exactly is it taking place in tel aviv or riyadh or anywhere. or else in the country which was a question i did they were be roundly condemned but they're not and it's quite appalling that these so-called rebels with western help trying to bomb a way to power in syria killing innocent civilians spreading terror operation and i think that the likes of william hague who got blood on my hands i'm afraid syria's refugees have found a new home in russia's south a good report coming up later this hour all about that.
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and every day she says other body. syria or saudia in arabic. in the war beginning far from. the syrian woman is. trying to fill. the service was over the. line in. a moment i am planning to stay in russia. to build a new life in russia here. it's a moving documentary if you have what it already will you want it twenty minutes time. next millions of untraceable dollars have been handed out by the u.s.
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to afghanistan throughout the past decade in exchange for loyalty president karzai confirm those regular payments but billed as the detail of how kabul spends the cash or he's going to teach you can next looks at the american way of dealing with the region's booming corruption. u.s. and afghan officials spoke on the condition of anonymity to the new york times and said that for many years the cia had paid tens of millions of dollars in what they say was ghost money to the office of president karzai the afghan government has received billions of dollars of u.s. taxpayers money but the officials say that the secret cat went to fuel corruption in the country the cia apparently delivers the cash every month in suitcases backpacks and plastic shopping bags the official said much of the money goes to paying off warlords and politicians many of whom have ties to the drug trade and in some cases the taliban the result of that appears to be that the agency empowers the same networks that american diplomats aligned for spent agents say they're
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trying to dismantle president karzai was asked about the ghost money and knowledge to see even get he basically dismissed the payments as no big deal saying those are monthly small amounts used for various purposes as the cia declines to comment another u.s. official has been quoted as saying the biggest source of corruption in afghanistan was the united states afghan officials quoted in this new york times report said a number of senior officials in the afghan national security council are individually on the cia's payroll there was an interesting story with the administrative chief counsel mohamed. leahy he was arrested in two thousand and ten in connection with the sprawling american led investigation that tied together afghan cash smuggling taliban financing and the opium trade president karzai heading released within hours and the cia then helped persuade the obama
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administration to back off its anti-corruption push possibly because they didn't want the cia connection discovered in the alleged corruption scheme because that would be a story of a dog chasing its tail in washington. where america's money oh cool. what is the world's biggest offense budget by far and he will come to richard baucus says as long as it continues to swell the budget the more americans are going to fall into poverty. it's really amazing when you look at the cia operations in afghanistan which really began that in two thousand and one of the one nine hundred seventy nine and the one nine hundred eighty s. the cia largest operation and it's entirely history was carried out in afghanistan and the billions and billions of dollars that have flowed and yet today in two thousand and thirteen afghanistan ranked exactly last so it really indicates what about the corrupting influence that the cia interventionists head over all of these
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years and continues to have today they're spending a vast sums of money the real the us military budget this year overall be over a trillion dollars and yet we have today in the united states virtually half nearly forty percent of the population according to the government itself is now in the living in poverty or as low income and the interest of the people have been sacrificed and the altar of militarism. so the big question is where is all this money going that's the question we're asking you to answer give us your thoughts on on our web site and i'd r.t. dot com this is what you're telling us thank you very much if you have voted as well brian ok it's going to be even more last hour was eighty two percent eighty four this is. normally our votes are pretty much evenly split generally but this is taking away above board most of you think it's bribery to achieve u.s. goals then it's a tie between those who see it as a tax to create the taliban and those who say that america's trying to flood
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terrorist cells with kind of counterfeit greenbacks six and six four percent think multipurpose aid to help afghans but the big question is end of the day is it going to the right place a lot of you thinking no if you can see they are the talk. next night israel's alleged cache of nuclear arms is in the spotlight again egypt's withdrawn from the norm proliferation treaty talks in geneva monday over a failure to plan for a middle east free of nuclear weapons clearly referring there to israel it's emerge that israel is soon to get to its fifth submarine reportedly capable of carrying
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and launching nuclear missiles british m.p. jeremy corbyn who's also vice chairman of the campaign for nuclear disarmament told me but this could spark a nuclear arms race in the region that was his. israel we know has nuclear weapons and has the land based system to deliver them and could have a sea based system and a country in the region that has a nuclear power system turkey egypt saudi arabia or could develop their own nuclear weapons if they wish to and egypt. i hope does not develop nuclear weapons i hope nobody develops nuclear weapons but clearly the danger now is very nuclear arms race in the middle east with all the terrible consequences that that could bring about if ever they should be used we need urgent action now the european union the united states working together in a position to put the most enormous pressure on israel either through sanctions or withdrawing all of the lifting the trade agreement which also has
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a human rights course within it we need action urgently by those two key players the situation. coming up europe's human rights court rules that ukraine acted illegally by jailing its former prime minister later in the program and we'll look at whether that decision could change anything for you to change is incarceration plus to the e.u. is it working jobless rates reaching record highs especially among young europeans substory are abandoning their homes to make ends meet they're going to other countries because their story too right after this break. well. it's technology innovation all the developments from around russia we've got the future covered.
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international airport in the very heart of moscow. fellow gamers are mentioned just now europe's latest unemployment figures are in and they don't make good reading the rate in fact up across most of the european
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union in march according to euro stat well you can see the figures are disappointing and rising year by year they go spain and greece being the worst affected in greece the numbers now watering twenty seven percent while spain is not far behind both have more than one in four people are unemployed right now and paper is much worse to the jobless rate for there is more than double the national figure is artie's tesser sitters report why it takes more than just numbers to see the true extent of the damage to. the unemployment rate in the years old has recently reached a record twelve percent of for those aged twenty five and below in countries like spain and greece that number is as high as more than fifty percent with very little sign of any economic improvement now for those who are looking for a job that search is no longer just about trying to find work many are now trying to leave their home countries like niccolo to go see a biology graduate from italy now working in
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a show in brussels and the situation in italy was extremely awful because the only thing i was able to get is a contract for like free mouth for six months with absolutely no possibility of growing out an industry or in your story and from most to most of them were totally unpaid because you can't really think of your future he says it wasn't a walk in the park in beijing either as many companies require a working knowledge of both french and dutch a barrier that may be hard to overcome but perhaps still more attractive for some of the going back home i read. in two thousand and twelve. and the person the person of young people who emigrated from italy and grew up by thirty forty percent in two thousand and twelve i really don't know what will be
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into tools and information and it's not just the citizens feed the kids foreigners would come to europe to see the opportunities started there will business is building their lives to now will suit change their minds threads iana this meant leaving greece and david all the way back to her native ecuador and while homesickness was the initial reason for the move she has no regrets about making that decision the sixth time had also helped the man many foreign has decided to leave greece and move to countries like germany. switzerland but the greeks who stayed behind are saying that the situation is really difficult there when for instance servicemen he used to get one and a half thousand euros are now paid just nine hundred m. our place has been open for two years even though it's still new i believe we have very good prospects for the future is that something she says just isn't possible the yeah right yeah trent if you look at the figures in countries like ireland some people argue that the whole generation has left and perhaps for good you know.
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i don't think so or a runner or a stay here for once a day or so since our team brussels. for the day crosses a goal from europe maybe starting to literally cost lives to a lot of them if you read some reports academics behind a major study say that as many as ten thousand people have committed suicide because of financial ruin they would stuccoed oxford university is researching the impact of austerity economics on public health says politicians are risking more than they realize. what we've seen in studying recessions over the past century and the focus on the present crisis is that recessions hurts but when politicians respond with deep cuts to vital social supports they can turn those recessions legal in the worst case we see greeks after rate cuts malaria prevention budgets we saw in return outbreaks that the country kept under control for the past four
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decades the same age i.b.m. back should spike by over two hundred percent at a time when h o b budget was caught similarly we've seen across europe austerity produced series of epidemics from suicide just for our access to health care to go south routes even can it be so far europe's leaders have been x. and i or the human costs are the stereo policies that he pursued across europe and sued in north america but this question recently asked. what we need to do is take into account the help that i had on the calls as had austerity but rhyme it like any other drug trial it would have been discontinued because of it is the outside of us. to us from now tony much as i say about who gets to make it their mission to expose skeg fatta at our expense.
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the arrest and imprisonment of ukraine's former prime minister yulia timoshenko spain ruled illegal by the european court of human rights but judges dismissed his complaint of physical mistreatment while in custody he seventy seven years for abuse in office so the gas deals with russia on his legs here as you have been following the case from the very beginning for this. defending lawyers of you to believe that this decision by the european court of human rights will see her walk free especially after her plea for parole last week was turned down there was a certain breath of hope when the one of the politicians or for either of the former interior minister you listened to was released on a presidential pardon several weeks ago but this is not the case of too much anger because on the one hand the current ruling establishment here if they want to be friends with the european union they are spying for european integration but on the other hand if we're see that too much ankle is the biggest political enemy and it's far more comfortable for them to see her remain behind bars and they also have this
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one trick up their sleeve they can always say that look you are ruling the decision to convict her of seven years of prison as illegitimate but look there are two cases currently ongoing against sir one of them includes association to a murder of a deputy in nine hundred ninety six so it's interesting to see where it goes from here but we already have the reaction from the ruling party which said that this decision by the european court for human rights may not become valid grounds for releasing in fact this is been a bone of contention between europe and for for some time we remember last year when you've hosted the football championship the you were twenty twelve some of the european officials boycotted the tournament because of the machine go and her case the question is whether a key if will be willing to kneel to this pressure by europe given the latest statements by the ruling party doesn't seem that this time it will bow down to the pressure as well. the owner of a nightclub in central russia more than one hundred fifty people died in
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a fire almost four years ago has been sentenced in the ten years behind bars another six people will be jailed for four years minimum each the chief fire inspectors been suspended from his job with plays at the lame horse my club in pearl in two thousand and nine began when fireworks were set off inside the overcrowded building flames then quickly took hold of the wicked fittings on the walls and ceiling with many victims trapped all crushed to the panic to escape. more world news. in libya government have surrounded the justice ministry in tripoli they're demanding the dismissal of all members of colonel gadhafi is former regime from government posts trucks carrying on here guns apart near the building a separate siege of the foreign ministry also calling for x. regime members to go is now into its third day. crowds of palestinians join the funeral of michelle who was killed in an israeli airstrike while driving a motorcycle earlier today two other men were also reported to been injured in the attack and israeli military claimed that we shelled was involved in extensive
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terrorist activity including a recent rocket attack on the southern israeli city of eilat is the first deadly air strike on palestinian territory since television reached a truce with militants last november videos emerged showing a terrifying cargo plane crash a bag airfield base north of the afghan capital all seven p. board were killed in this incident let's take a look at those pictures it was a boeing seven four seven four hundred operated by a florida based subsidiary of national air cargo well look at that where it was a carrying vehicles and other cargo to dubai its first i've seen those pictures myself the taliban says it's behind the plane crash but nato did not raise the plane was attacked but insists it's still investigating the cause of what went so badly wrong there now it's also added there was no military activity in the region during the time of the crash bug room is a key transport hub for u.s. led military operations in afghanistan. coming
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up a report on the lives of syrian refugees living in russian and starts in just a couple of minutes time. most people in the western world would agree that having laws that officially create second class citizens is totally unacceptable we can look at the way jews were treated in nazi germany or blackstar in apartheid in south africa and the slavery jim crow areas in the usa as examples of legally dividing society by necessity i think most people he you with their modern sensibilities would find these practices me bob baer american backwards but my question is that why is there to this day officially sanctioned second class citizens in certain e.u. countries or to be more accurate i should say non-citizen residents of the two
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million people in latvia around three hundred thousand of them are considered non-citizen residents who can neither vote nor hold public office these non-citizens are russian speakers of various ethnic backgrounds whose children also by birth bearer of the non-citizen status not happy being on the bad side of apartheid the non-citizens have logically decided to vote for their own parliament because they can't elect or participate in the left field what even if the parliament has no power whatsoever it will be their chance to shine light on the issue which the mainstream media has been keeping quiet for years you know you'd think that people would be outraged over segregation but what happens to russians and russian speakers is just not cool or hip or trendy or convenient enough for the mainstream media to take notice but that's just my opinion.
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download the official publication yourself choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorites. if you're away from your television just doesn't matter with your mobile device you can watch on t.v. anytime anywhere. i am from syria and i head toward the sea i. just don't go to see my friends on my c.v. . my name is. i came here because i want for my children to live in peace and to become russian citizens. ones
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or some other coming toward. live here because why all. my name is it or not to come back to the lovely country when would we see. my name is osama. i'm planning to stay in russia. too bad your life here.


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